Author: Chris

Get To Know Jesus Part 2 Resources

Failing Forward by John C. Maxwell,-by-John-C.-Maxwell/p/1392844 The Blood Covenant by E. W. Keynon,-by-E.-W.-Kenyon/p/447557 How To Receive Anything by Keith Moore

Podcast Praise & Worship

Ok folks, here is the information for the CD series that I referred to in the podcast. The speaker is Mac Hammond and the CD series is titled “Eternity Vol. 1” product # CD261 and here is the link to it.–P503.aspx The track I mentioned in the podcast was…

Feel Good

Good morning, I wanted to start this day off with encouragement in the Lord to The Church. Fill your hearts to overflowing with the Word of God so that when the enemy try’s to steal your joy that you stand strong and confidently deny him. But the fruit of the…

In the world, but not of the world.

Let’s talk about the world for a moment. It’s gotten so big and so loud that it’s hard for people to know who they truly are. There are so many things vying for our attention that, if we’re not careful, we are constantly bombarded by news, social media, family, etcetera. It can be hard to breathe at times because, for some reason, we have such a pension for the negative and the dramatic. It’s like a disease that attacks the spirit, the soul, and the body.