Attempted Assassination

We continue to hold President Trump up in prayer, as well as the families of all of the victims. Guns did not do this, men did, men who are influenced by the devil. We must not forget that this is, first and foremost, a spiritual battle between the Body of Christ and satan and his wicked cohorts.

I pray that we, as a nation, respond with prayer, seeking the wisdom of God and not respond with impulse or emotion. Refuse to allow the enemy to bait us into action without first seeking the Lord or we will see this great nation decline into another civil war that will pit family against family. No, we must know God’s plan for this moment and move forward in His path for it is with Him and through Him only that we will succeed.

If you don’t know the Lord as Savior, now is the time to seek Him, to find Him, to receive Him. He is pursuing you, waiting of you to turn to Him and receive Him. Take this battle that we are going through to His throne for He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. We need your voice in prayer, joined to ours, joined to the Body of Christ. Let us stand in Victory, knowing that Christ has already secured the Victory for us.

I pray for Peace, Love, and Wisdom to prevail over all.

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