They cry out…

The whole of man cries out for the hope of God and Salvation even as the whole of creation cries out for the righteous to stand up. Wether we profess Christ or not, we hunger for Him deep in our spirit and why shouldn’t we, for we are born with the inherent knowledge of God Almighty. Our feelings towards Him doesn’t cause Him to not exist, just as our feelings towards a certain person or food or flavor or scent doesn’t cause a thing to not exist. We simply avoid that which is not “pleasing” to our senses or thoughts and in this same way, we simply avoid our knowledge of Him, God Almighty.

In Him is our hope.

Let that sink in for a minute.

In Him is our hope.

In Him is our hope.

The things that we fill our lives with, the “noise” that we surround ourselves with, the alcohol and drugs, all of it is our way of trying to fill the void of someone whose no longer there. Someone who is so dear to us, so necessary to us, that our very spirit cries out to Him. We’ve known Him forever, yet the world is mad to beat Him out of us for the light of Christ exposes the evils that men do in the dark.

It doesn’t change Him, He is still the One that we cry out for, that we need, He is still our Hope, the only Hope. Revelation 12:11 says that “They (us) overcame him (satan) by the Blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony…”. We are they that overcome and satan is the one that we overcome. We do it by the Blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony or confession or profession. Like this, “I am washed in the Blood of the Lamb and I am innocent!” Our testimony is that we are innocent of the sins that satan accuses us of, we become innocent through the Blood of the Lamb, that is, by receiving in our heart and confessing with our mouth Jesus as our risen Lord and Savior. The power of this verse is immense and satan doesn’t want man to understand it and Jesus wants you to live it.

Jesus says, what are you battling, what are you fighting? Sickness? Disease? Lack? Doubt?

“I am washed in the Blood of the Lamb and I am healed and made whole!”

“I am washed in the Blood of the Lamb and I lack no good thing!”

“I am washed in the Blood of the Lamb and alcohol/drugs have no hold on me.”

“I am washed in the Blood of the Lamb and God Almighty is my everlasting Hope!”

It’s powerful, so if you’re going to confess something in your life, confess the Word in your life. Confess the victory of Jesus Christ into your life. “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen” (NKJV). Another translation of it says that, “Now faith is the assurance (the confirmation, the title deed) of the things [we] hope for, being the proof of things [we] do not see and the conviction of their reality [faith perceiving as real fact what is not revealed to the senses].” (AMPC)

I want you to picture this, your favorite person, maybe it’s your grandma or grandpa, they’re standing in the front door of the house looking out and they open the screen door and call out to you. They call you by name several times and you hear them but you’re playing and having fun and don’t want to stop. What do you do? Do you act as though you didn’t hear them, knowing that they will come looking for you? Maybe you run from them when they come to find you? Is this the way you have been with God?

He’s still calling out to you.

You’re still crying out for hope.

Turn to Him, He is your hope.

Don’t turn to religion filled with man’s traditions, turn to a relationship with Jesus, the Christ. Spend time getting to know Him, just as you would your grandpa or grandma.

Reach out, He’s right there.

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